Spa Gift Basket - 3 Tips for Picking Something Unexpected

December 20, 2017

Spa Gift Basket - 3 Tips for Picking Something Unexpected

Spa Gift Basket Tip #1 - Pick Unusual Items.

Whether we're talking about men or women, the same pattern generally applies. Most of us seem to stay within the bounds of certain brands and types of products. It may vary from time to time but not by much.

In a spa gift basket, your recipient will not only find brands they don't necessarily know but also products they haven't tried before. These products are usually in the same scent family, such as lavender, rose, citrus and are of excellent quality. He or she can take a long, luxurious bath in lavender bath salts and slather lavender body butter on the skin afterward.

Almost everyone has a tub or tube of body lotion in the cabinet but how many deliberately purchase body butter? I confess I never tried it until I received it in a spa gift basket - that's the truth!!

Spa Gift Basket Tip #2 - Deliver Anticipation.

The doorbell rings, he or she opens the door to greet the UPS person who is standing there with a rather large box addressed to them. How exciting!

As the scissors or box cutter is retrieved the excitement level increases - what could it be.....who is it from....? The basket is generally wrapped in more cellophane than you would imagine possible and each item is often packed and/or secured in such a way that it won't slip and ruin the display.

What I'm saying here is that it takes awhile to get to the bottom of the spa gift basket which only increases the excitement level. The adventure of discovering all the goodies therein takes us back to our childhood for just a few moments. It's truly a joyful experience.

Spa Gift Basket Tip #3 - Extend The Experience.

The quantities of each product contained in a spa gift basket are usually generous so your recipient will be using them for quite awhile. If you take the time to understand what scents they like and match the types of products they enjoy with the components that comprise the gift, it is highly likely they will display them prominently in the bathroom and think fondly of you each time they see and use them.

Men and Women alike love it when they're surprised by a gift that is sent to their home. It makes them feel special, embraced and loved. Be sure to include a note so they know it came from you and take the opportunity to tell them why you chose this particular one for them.

Giving a spa gift basket you've thought through and feel comfortable giving will clearly communicate your feelings. When he or she calls you to exclaim their surprise and express their thanks, you might take the opportunity to suggest a special date or trip.